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Something sinister is going on in the Bay Area. There has been a string of bizarre teenage murders for the past couple of months. Monstrous evidence of body parts lay like ghoulish mannequins, where the esophagus and arteries were sticking out like so much corrugated rubber tubing left at the scene. Satanic symbols carved on the skin, the police stumped—a SERIAL KILLER on the loose.


Robert Mueller, an inventor, and a visionary graduate of MIT with a degree in biometrics have architected and patented an algorithm that can collect biodata by scanning a person's retina called Snaptrap. His vision is to store and use these data later to build a smart nation towards a New World Order is ingenious, but more of a sinister purpose and to achieve this—is MURDER!


When San Francisco billionaire and philanthropist Bill Russell learns of the heinous murder of his twenty-one-year-old niece, Stephanie Russell Logan, he is determined to find the person responsible. He called upon a former adversary, Lance Sterling P.I., an Ex-Navy Seal for assistance. Knowing of his expertise as one of the military's most skilled masters of human biometrics, with his singular talent, maybe the only one who can crack this bizarre case.


Lance was not even in the case for more than a day, another body found in the shopping mall near Palo Alto. He begins to realize that the recent string of deaths may be only one small piece of a much more significant scheme-with consequences that will reach far beyond the Bay Area. Then the killings got sickeningly close to home, when the life of the person he cares about suddenly hanging in the balance, his girlfriend Clarissa Jenkin's life is threatened—by the very same villain more heinous than he expected.


Snaptrap Audiobook only available at Stone Steel Publishing

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4 Snaptrap QueryNathaniel Cody Stone
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